I think I had a pretty fun winter break this year. One thing that i did was that i started to learn how to drive. My dad started to take me around East La to learn how to drive. The first day he took me to ELAC's huge parking to learn how to park in the spaces. Parking in those straight parking spaces was easy but parallel parking was pretty hard. It was style really fun. One low thing about this my break would probably that when it was Christmas at my uncle's house the power went out so we had to do everything in the dark. Opening presents wasn't as fun. Finding the food was also really hard. And using the restroom was also was a pain the behind….. literally.
One goal that I have set for myself this year is that I want to get my permit and my car already. Don’t want to be getting rides from people anymore. I want to be more independent and be able to go to places. I want to go to college in my car and not take the bus. I want to go Big Bear, or San Bernardino, or to the mall without asking my parents if they can take me. Another goal that I have set for myself is to go to college and graduate with a Bachelor’s at least.
One positive thing about coming back to school is that I get to see my friends. The second thing is that now sometimes when I was home I had nothing to do and I would just lie there bored and frustrated. Now I can actually do something. It might be kind of boring and frustrating in school to but at least I’m doing something
Wow its pretty cool to know that your dad is letting you drive.