
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Network Neutrality VS Network Bias

     To first understand "Network Neutrality" we must first know what it is. The term Network Neutrality or Net Neutrality basically states that internet provider can be in favor of a company and against another company. Basically if your the owner of AT&T and you don't want people to be looking at Verizon or Sprint you slow down their websites that way people cant access them. Net Neutrality says that you cant do this and must be equally fair to all web pages. Net Bias states the opposite, that any company can choose to raise or lower speed of each and every website they want. If this is right or wrong is for you to decide.

     From my point of view, i think that Network Neutrality is a really good idea. This levels the playing field for everyone. It lets all the small business corporations to have a equal chance with all of the multi-billion dollar corporations. This also eliminates all the bribing that these companies are going to try and do which limits corruption. Over all, Network Neutrality is a good idea; whether the internet companies will decide to  do this is another thing.

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